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Journal Description
Journal Description
JEP is a national journal to publish scientific articles in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences education. The focus of the articles published in this journal comes from branches of Mathematics and Natural Sciences education including: Mathematics Education, Biology Education, Physics Education, Physics Education, Science Education and Other Relevant Sciences. The purpose of JEP is to facilitate researchers in publishing their scientific articles in the branches of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (MNSE).
Writing scientific articles on the five branches of MNSE covers nine fields of education. First, the MNSE curriculum contains all aspects related to the development and implementation of the curriculum. Second, the management and policies that apply in MNSE. Third, the results of the application and development of MNS learning to improve academic performance. Fourth, learning tools to support the implementation of MNS learning. Fifth, learning materials to support the MNS learning process in the form of print and electronic. Sixth, learning media to support MNS learning in the form of visual, audio, audio-visual, ICT, and so on. Seventh, the use and development of application software for MNS learning. Eighth, the results of research on the evaluation of MNS learning. Finally, other topics relevant to MNSE.
JEP has implemented an online journal system known as OJS. OJS is a journal management and publication system that has been developed by a public knowledge project to develop and improve access to online research. Currently, JEP is implementing OJS version 3.0 which can support the management and publication of electronic scientific journals. The application of OJS version 3.0 to JEP has advantages, namely: an improved user interface; navigation system, expertise in themes, workflow in OJS version 3 is very dynamic and easy to customize; have more flexible user roles and task management systems. This system can support and provide convenience in the management and publication of scientific journals online.
JEP publishes scientific articles in MNSE twice a year, in May and November. JEP has provided a guide for writing scientific articles and templates for articles. Authors can study the guidelines for writing scientific articles and write them in the templates that have been provided. In general, scientific articles published at JEP consist of titles, identities, abstract, introduction, research methods, result and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography. The author submits scientific articles in the appropriate field online. All articles published on JEP have been fully processed online and checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software.
Articles published on JEP have been indexed by several indexing agencies. There are currently seven indexing institutions from JEP, namely Google Scholar, PKP index, Indonesian One Search, Crossref, Base, Garuda, and Directory of Research Journal Indexing. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28/E/KPT/2019, it is stated that JEP is accredited on Sinta 4. Indexing institutions from JEP will be improved in the future such as DOAJ and Scopus