Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbentuk Video Prosedur Penggunaan Ayakan Bertingkat (Granule Sieve) untuk Pembelajaran Blended Learning

  • deny sutrisno STIKES Harapan Ibu Jambi
  • barmi hartesi STIKES Harapan Ibu Jambi
Keywords: Video Pembelajaran, Media Pembelajaran, Granule Sieves


Blended Learning is learning that involves face-to-face and brave learning that requires teaching materials that can be accessed by the brave. The purpose of this study was to create a learning media based on video as a guide to the use of Granule sieves and also to find out the feedback from the video. Methods of developing learning media through computers: (1) analyzing student needs; (2) formulating goals; (3) formulating the ingredients; (4) developing evaluation instruments; (5) writing scripts and taking pictures; (6) taking feedback (N = 57). In addition to the six steps, a validation test is also carried out before the field trial. This study result was a video learning that could be used as teaching material in the form of learning videos using granule sieves.


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How to Cite
sutrisno, deny, & hartesi, barmi. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbentuk Video Prosedur Penggunaan Ayakan Bertingkat (Granule Sieve) untuk Pembelajaran Blended Learning. JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP), 4(2), 212-217.

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